Personal Training

I provide one-to-one personal training to help optimise your health and fitness, and coaching in authentic Shaolin Kung Fu. Whichever you may be interested in, I incorporate the best of modern sports science and traditional martial arts to provide you with the most effective training to meet your goals.

With my unique blended approach you can train with me in person or online, and still make great progress. So wherever you are in the world, I can help you be Fit for Life.

Do you want to be fit for the life you want to lead, now and into the future?

Why train with me?

A lot of us aren’t as fit and healthy as we want to be. We have aches and pains, we don’t have the energy that we used to, maybe we can’t do that one thing we used to love anymore, maybe you just want to be able to play with your kids or grandkids as they grow up.

The thing is, this epidemic of poor health isn’t your fault. Modern life is set up in such a way that it limits our movement, encourages bad eating and drags us down into a place of inactivity. Maybe you’ve managed to fight back against the dangers of a desk job and the supermarket checkout chocolate bars, but then you get injured, or develop a chronic issue, and you’re stuck like everyone else.

I’ve been there too, and I’ve seen the effect this can have in the long term, with people in my family. As I saw them get older, more and more of them stopped being active. They began to struggle to go up stairs, got out of breath going up hills or would spend their time shuffling around the house, barely getting outside. I saw the same pattern elsewhere too, over and over again.

I didn’t want this to be me. I wanted to carry on being active, having adventures, living life on my terms for as long as possible.

Then one day, I found myself staring into a future I didn’t want. I suffered a knee injury that just wouldn’t heal, despite all of the rest prescribed by doctors. I would find myself in regular pain, my knee would lock, and sometimes I would be walking down the street to have it suddenly give way on me.

My knee suddenly became a constant intrusion in my life

This caused me to give up playing rugby and sit out a lot of active things that friends were doing. I just couldn’t manage it. I was in my 20’s and already felt like my older relatives, stiff, sore and shuffling. Needless to say, I got pretty down about all this.

Things really changed for me when my other knee started to become affected too, due to the increased pressure I was putting on it. It got to the point where I couldn’t do my job anymore, and so I got referred to a physiotherapist.

This changed everything…

For years I had been told to rest and that it would get better on its own eventually. Of course by now I knew this was not going to work, but I was stuck, I didn’t know what to do. The physio was able to diagnose the issue very quickly (a birth defect with the bones in my knee, it turns out), and told me that resting was the worst thing I could do. I needed to get more active, to build the strength in the supporting structures of the knee and to never stop!

By this point I had started training kung fu, and loved it, but would often have to stop training because of my knees, but he encouraged me to keep going with it. I put his advice into practice, and although I had to push through some pain, due to the joint being constantly inflamed, I started to grow stronger, more flexible and over time, my knees showed massive improvements.

My mind was blown! I thought I was stuck having old person knees for life, but here was a way out. Now I knew that kung fu was a key tool in me keeping them healthy.

But I also knew that modern sports science could offer more too; the best science backed approaches, the most efficiency, delivering peak performance.

I realised that a wholistic approach to fitness, that didn’t just focus on running, or lifting heavy weights, or stretching could help people not only enjoy their lives more now, but also set them up to live longer, doing more. Mixing modern approaches and kung fu can do just that and make that process a whole lot more fun too!

Of course, as happens, life got in the way. I ended up leading a team, sat in the office all day, then sat at my desk in the evening completing my PhD. Before I knew it I was training less, moving less, and as time went on I started to stiffen up, get back and hip pain, and my knees began to flare up again. This is a pretty common thing I hear from people who have office jobs; they are so busy working, and then keeping up with their family and just doing life stuff, that gradually exercise starts to slip away.

I was able to overcome these issues though, using that wholistic approach, and by applying all of the fitness and kung fu knowledge that I had been accumulating over the years, and still fit it into by busy professional lifestyle.

I’m now fitter than I have ever been! I can outlast people much younger than me, bounce around with energy, lift a lot more than you might think to look at me (I am a pretty small guy! 😂) and I’m more bendy than I ever thought I would be.

These days my career sat at a desk all day is behind me, because I realised I wanted to help people like me who want to live an active and healthy life for as long as they can, but struggle to do it. I know what that life is like and how hard it can be to find the time, and the energy to get up and do something for yourself. And that’s if you even know what you should be doing.

The start and decline of my fitness journey follow a pretty common pattern, whether it happened when you were young, as you seized up sitting at a desk all day, or as you started to move less as you got older. The next part of my story is unfortunately less common, but I want to help you follow the same path, so that you can become fitter and healthier than you thought possible and live life’s adventures to the fullest, even if it’s something as simple as feeling good in your body or enjoying time with your family.

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Are you ready to transform yourself and become Fit for Life?
I’ve helped a lot of people over the years, will you be next?

Now at this point you might be thinking, “sure you managed to do it, but you’re a personal trainer and kung fu coach. I just don’t have the time for that.” Believe me, I understand the challenges of balancing a busy schedule and the importance of downtime. You can't be on the go 24/7—it's not healthy. At one point I was juggling a full time job, a PhD and running a kung fu school, all whilst trying to stay fit myself. It certainly meant making some tough calls and some serious time management! I've been in your shoes, and I empathize with your situation.

The good news is that you don’t have to slave away for hours, or endure monotonous workouts to get fighting fit. I’ve helped hundreds of people over the years, whether they’ve just wanted to learn kung fu, focus on fitness or a combination of both, and many of them have had the same struggles.

By structuring your training in such a way that it suits your life, we can make great progress in less time than you ever thought possible. One of the advantages of training online is that it is far more flexible for you, and we can leverage modern technology to make the entire process easier.

Everyone’s journey is individual

Each person needs different support, different approaches and has different goals. You may be seeking the ultimate health and fitness program, utilizing a holistic approach. On the other hand, someone else may have a burning desire to delve deep into the art of kung fu. This is why I now focus mainly on the individually tailored approach. Although I may work with fewer people at any one time, I know the positive impact I can have for them is so much greater than with a generic one size fits all approach.

Together, we'll craft a training plan specifically designed for you—one that fits seamlessly into your life, maximizes efficiency, and delivers exceptional results. So, are you ready to embark on this transformative journey with me? Let's make your fitness dreams a reality and ensure you're Fit for Life.

If you’ve read this far, I want to change your life for the better. I want to empower you to have the adventures you want in life, whether that be playing in the garden with your kids, or trekking through the mountains. I want you to continue doing what you love as you age, and I want you to enjoy a long, healthy life. I want you to be Fit for Life.

When you choose to train with me, we'll embark on the Fit for Life Process

Stage 1- Understanding You

The first step is to get to know you on a deeper level. After you’ve filled in the application form we'll schedule a free, no-obligation chat where I can learn more about your goals and the challenges you may be facing. From there I can suggest a way forward that I think best suits your needs. This conversation will allow me to suggest a personalized path forward that aligns with your needs. If, for any reason, we feel we aren't the perfect match, that's okay! It could be that your unique health needs are better addressed by a specialist in that area, or perhaps you don't feel Kung Fit is the right fit for you at this moment. Again no problem. However, if we both believe that working together would be incredible, we'll move on to the next step and the real work begins.

Stage 2- Starting Point

During this stage, we'll assess your current fitness level and establish clear goals with measurable targets. If there are any specific issues you'd like to address, such as tight hips, lower back pain, or limited shoulder mobility, we'll create a plan to overcome them. Then, we'll develop a customized program that seamlessly fits into your life, allowing you to swiftly progress to Stage 3.

Stage 3- First Steps

Here is where you start to put things into action. I'll educate you on the various movements we'll be incorporating, ensuring that you perform them safely and effectively. Depending on your goals, we may also delve into nutritional patterns and introduce the fundamentals of kung fu. Throughout this stage, I'll be your unwavering source of motivation, providing feedback, and addressing any questions you may have. Together, we'll set you up for success, enabling you to make a real difference in your life.

Stage 4- Becoming Fit for Life

This is where you’ll spend most of your time. Once you've settled in, we'll follow a system of personalised one-to-one sessions, workouts in your own time, and check ins. The exact make up will depend on what you are after. Some people thrive with maximum support, some want to do every session live with me, others are happy doing most of their work when they can squeeze it into the week, and just touching base occasionally to get feedback, learn new techniques and stay on track. We'll determine what works best for you back in Stage 2, and we can always adjust as we progress.

The key thing is that I will serve as your dedicated fitness concierge, providing you with everything you need to reach your goals, exceed your own expectations, and ultimately become Fit for Life.

We can’t change yesterday, but we can change our future
The best time to start is now

If you want to transform your life, the time to act on it is now.

Don’t get distracted by scrolling Instagram, or watching Netflix, click ‘Apply Now’ below and spend just a few minutes filling out the application form.

I’ll review your details and see if I think I can help you. Either way I’ll be in touch, either to suggest another course of action, or to set up a call so that we can start that transformative Fit for Life Process.